Our Aquariums

Good Fish For A 55-Gallon Freshwater Aquarium

Last Updated on June 11, 2024 by admins

Choosing out fish for your aquarium is an exciting process. Fortunately, there is a large variety of good fish for a 55-gallon freshwater aquarium that you can purchase. They will make a wonderful addition to your new fish tank setup.

It is important to get the right fish for your aquarium. You don’t want to get any fish that will outgrow your 55-gallon tank. In addition, you want to avoid species that will fight or eat each other.

Best Fish For A 55-Gallon Tank

There are so many freshwater fish to choose from that it can be a bit overwhelming. If you have a 55-gallon tank, you want to make sure to choose only fish that will be able to thrive in that size. Fortunately, there is a good selection of fish that are appropriate for an aquarium that is 55 gallons.

A 55-gallon tank gives you the ability to have a variety of different fish species. It is a good idea to have a variety of bottom-dwellers, mid-level, and top swimming fish in your aquarium. This will create a good balance in your fish tank.

In addition to the right selection of fish for a 55-gallon tank, you also want to make sure you have the right setup. For that size of fish tank, you should typically have a heater, light, and filter to provide a healthy environment. You also want to have substrate and having live plants can be beneficial.

Be sure to research the diet and set up the specific species of fish needs. It is important to provide them with the right environment in order for them to thrive. You also want to make sure you mix fish that are compatible with each other in order to prevent fights.


Freshwater angelfish make a beautiful addition to your aquarium. There are several different types to choose from, each that have their unique wing-like shaped fins. Native to Brazil, they are now to have a calm demeanor in general and are relatively easy to care for.

Since Angelfish can grow to be relatively large, they need a tank that is at least 55 gallons. They generally spend most of their time at the mid-to-upper level of the tank.



Barbs are colorful, hardy fish that are active swimmers. There are many different types of barbs including Cherry, Black Ruby, Denison, Gold, Rosy, Tiger, Tinfoil, and Zebra Barb. They are social fish and often do best in groups of at least five.

Barbs generally spend most of their time hanging out at mid-level. They are best kept with other fish that are active as well.


Rainbowfish are beautiful and active fish that can make a great addition to your aquarium. There are many different types including Madagascar, Lake Wanam, Neon, Red, Lake Kutubu, Desert, Boeseman’s, and Axelrods. They spend most of their time at the mid-to-upper level of the aquarium.

Zebra Daino

Zebra Dainos are stripped fish that are known for being active and hardy. They are docile fish that do great when you have a school of them. They are typically top swimmers.

Fancy Guppy

Fancy guppies are lively, active fish. If adding them to your 55-gallon tank, you want to get several since they are small fish. They are top swimmers and come in a variety of different colors.


Tetras are small fish that come in different varieties such as Neon, Cardinal, Black-Skirt, and Bleeding Heart. They add a great pop of color to your aquarium and do best in large schools. They are mid-level dwellers and should be kept with medium or small-sized fish.


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Gourami fish are slow-moving fish that are docile in the right environment. There are different types including Three-Spot and Dwarf. Though males should be kept separate as they can be aggressive, females can live in the same tank.

Gouramis are unique as they breathe at the surface by using their labyrinth organ, which acts as a lung. They spend most of their time at the mid or top level of the aquarium.


With an intriguing bright-orange experience, Swordtails make a great addition to your aquarium. The males have a unique long tails make them stand out in your tank. They are typically top-dwellers and are generally easy to care for.

African Cichlids

African Cichlids are a beautiful species of freshwater tropical fish. They are active fish, but they can be highly territorial and aggressive. African Cichlids are best kept as the only type of fish in the tank

Kuhli Loaches

Kuhli Loaches are a unique type of bottom-dweller that do a great job keeping your fish tank clean. They are great at hiding and are peaceful fish. Kuhli Loaches prefer to be kept in groups of at least six.

Cory Catfish

Cory Catfish make for an adorable addition to your fish tank. They are bottom-dwellers and enjoy cleaning up any excess food that gets stuck at the bottom, helping reduce waste. Cory Catfish are best when kept in schools of at least five to ten.

Cory Catfish

Good Fish For A 55-Gallon Freshwater Aquarium

There are several great species of fish you can get for your 55-gallon aquarium. For the best community fish for a 55-gallon tank, you want to have a combination of bottom-dwellers, mid-level, and top swimmers. This will help create a balanced environment in your freshwater fish tank.

The best fish for a 55-gallon freshwater tank include Angelfish, Barbs, Rainbowfish, Zebra Daino, Fancy Guppy, Tetras, Gourami, Swordtails, African Cichlids, Cory Catfish and Kuhli Loaches. Each of these fish will make a beautiful addition to your tank.

Before buying fish, it is important to research the care they need. It is vital you provide them with the proper food and environment they require. In addition, it is also important to research what other fish they are compatible with.

Do you have any questions about good fish for a 55-gallon freshwater aquarium? If so, please ask any questions about freshwater fish and the environment they need in the comment section down below.

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