Our Aquariums

Can Goldfish and Angelfish Live Together?

Last Updated on June 9, 2024 by admins

Can goldfish and angelfish live together?

This is a question that many fish owners have asked. While it is possible for these two species to coexist in the same tank, there are some important considerations to keep in mind. In this article, we will discuss the compatibility of goldfish and angelfish, the ideal tank setup, and the potential risks associated with keeping these two species together. We will also provide some tips on how to ensure a successful and harmonious cohabitation.

The Pros and Cons of Keeping Goldfish and Angelfish Together in the Same Aquarium

Keeping goldfish and angelfish together in the same aquarium can be a rewarding experience for any aquarist. However, there are some important considerations to keep in mind before attempting to house these two species together.


The most obvious benefit of keeping goldfish and angelfish together is the visual appeal. Goldfish are known for their bright colors and long fins, while angelfish are known for their unique shape and coloration. The combination of these two species can create a stunning display in any aquarium.

In addition, both species are relatively peaceful and can coexist peacefully in the same tank. Goldfish are generally not aggressive and angelfish are known to be quite docile. This makes them an ideal combination for a peaceful community tank.


The main issue with keeping goldfish and angelfish together is the difference in water requirements. Goldfish prefer cooler water temperatures, while angelfish prefer warmer water temperatures. This can make it difficult to maintain the correct water parameters for both species.

In addition, goldfish are known to be messy eaters and produce a lot of waste. This can lead to an increase in nitrate levels in the tank, which can be harmful to angelfish.

Finally, goldfish are known to be quite active and can outcompete angelfish for food. This can lead to malnutrition in the angelfish, which can be fatal.

In conclusion, keeping goldfish and angelfish together in the same aquarium can be a rewarding experience, but it is important to consider the potential issues before attempting to do so. It is important to ensure that the water parameters are suitable for both species and that the goldfish are not outcompeting the angelfish for food. With proper care and attention, these two species can coexist peacefully in the same tank.

What You Need to Know Before Mixing Goldfish and Angelfish in the Same Tank

When considering whether to mix goldfish and angelfish in the same tank, there are several important factors to consider. First, goldfish and angelfish have different water temperature requirements. Goldfish prefer cooler water temperatures, while angelfish prefer warmer water temperatures. If the water temperature is not kept within the preferred range for both species, it can lead to health problems.

Second, goldfish and angelfish have different dietary needs. Goldfish are omnivores and require a diet that includes both plant and animal matter. Angelfish, on the other hand, are primarily herbivores and require a diet that is mostly plant-based. If the two species are fed the same diet, the goldfish may not get the nutrition they need, while the angelfish may become overweight.

Third, goldfish and angelfish have different space requirements. Goldfish are active swimmers and require a larger tank with plenty of room to swim. Angelfish, on the other hand, are more sedentary and require a smaller tank with plenty of hiding places. If the tank is too small for both species, the goldfish may become stressed and the angelfish may become aggressive.

Finally, goldfish and angelfish have different levels of aggression. Goldfish are generally peaceful and can coexist with other species. Angelfish, however, can be territorial and may become aggressive towards other fish in the tank. If the tank is overcrowded, the angelfish may become overly aggressive and attack the goldfish.

For these reasons, it is important to carefully consider the size of the tank, the water temperature, the diet, and the levels of aggression before mixing goldfish and angelfish in the same tank. If all of these factors are taken into account, it is possible to successfully keep both species in the same tank.

How to Create a Balanced Environment for Goldfish and Angelfish to Coexist in the Same Aquarium

Creating a balanced environment for goldfish and angelfish to coexist in the same aquarium is a challenging task. However, with the right knowledge and preparation, it is possible to create a healthy and harmonious environment for both species.

The first step is to ensure that the aquarium is large enough to accommodate both species. Goldfish and angelfish require different amounts of space, so it is important to research the size requirements of each species before purchasing an aquarium. Generally, a tank of at least 55 gallons is recommended for both species.

The next step is to create a suitable environment for both species. Goldfish prefer cooler water temperatures, while angelfish prefer warmer temperatures. Therefore, it is important to install a heater and a thermometer to ensure that the water temperature is kept within the desired range. Additionally, both species require a high-quality filtration system to keep the water clean and free of toxins.

It is also important to provide both species with the right type of food. Goldfish are omnivores and require a diet that includes both plant and animal matter. Angelfish, on the other hand, are primarily carnivorous and require a diet that is high in protein. It is important to provide both species with a balanced diet to ensure their health and wellbeing.

Finally, it is important to provide both species with plenty of hiding places and decorations. Goldfish and angelfish both enjoy exploring their environment, so it is important to provide them with plenty of places to hide and explore. Additionally, decorations such as rocks, plants, and driftwood can help to create a more natural environment for both species.

By following these steps, it is possible to create a balanced environment for goldfish and angelfish to coexist in the same aquarium. With the right knowledge and preparation, it is possible to create a healthy and harmonious environment for both species.


Q: Can goldfish and angelfish live together??
A: Generally, no. Goldfish and angelfish are not compatible tankmates due to their different water requirements and the fact that angelfish can be aggressive towards goldfish.

Q: What kind of tank do goldfish and angelfish need?
A: Goldfish require a tank with a pH of 7.0-7.4 and a temperature of 65-72°F. Angelfish require a tank with a pH of 6.5-7.5 and a temperature of 75-82°F.

Q: What other fish can I keep with goldfish and angelfish?
A: Other fish that can be kept with goldfish and angelfish include tetras, barbs, rasboras, danios, and gouramis. It is important to research the compatibility of any fish before adding them to the tank.


In conclusion, it is possible for goldfish and angelfish to live together in the same tank, but it is not recommended. Goldfish are much larger and more active than angelfish, and they require more space and a different water temperature. Additionally, goldfish are known to be aggressive and may bully the angelfish. If you do decide to keep goldfish and angelfish together, it is important to provide plenty of hiding places and to monitor the tank closely for signs of aggression.


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