Our Aquariums

Why Adding Baking Soda To an Aquarium?

Last Updated on June 11, 2024 by admins

Adding baking soda to an aquarium is the most natural way to alter the pH level. Click to find out all about this method.

Maintaining proper acidity levels in your water tank is key to the health of your aquatic friends. All types of underwater pets need balance to live a long and healthy life. Instability in all its forms may bring harm and can cause the death of your fish.

Since pH plays a big role in your aquarium, it is very important to keep it stable. Unfortunately, most beginners make mistakes on this issue. Because of this, fishes often suffer and die.

Therefore, this time we will talk about how you can alter the pH level by adding baking soda to an aquarium. Keep reading to find out.

Baking Soda, What is it?

Known as sodium bicarbonate, baking soda is a type of salt commonly found in households. It is a type of salt that contains sodium cation and bicarbonate anion. It is most often in the form of white crystalline powder or granules, odorless, salty, and slightly alkaline in taste.

Baking soda is considered a handy all-purpose item, mostly because of its wide variety of uses. It has a lot of uses, such as cooking, baking, pest control, and increasing alkalinity / pH, from cleaning your countertops to supporting your oral care.

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Can You Use Baking Soda in The Aquarium?

Of course, you can. Adding baking soda to an aquarium can help increase the alkalinity of the water in the aquarium. It increases minerals and helps achieve the desired water hardness that is suitable for your aquatic world.

Using Baking Soda To Raise pH in Aquarium

To increase the ph in your fish tank, simply put in some baking soda. However, make sure it is in the right proportions. Adding too much can suddenly change the water in the aquarium and, unfortunately, result in illness or even death of your fish.

baking soda to raise ph in aquarium

The chemistry of the process

When sodium bicarbonate is mixed with water, both endothermic and exothermic reactions occur. This type of reaction leads to an increase in carbonic acid, which will eventually begin to release CO2.

Baking soda is basic and in contact with water; the water becomes more alkaline, which eventually results in an increase in the pH in the aquarium, and with improved stability. Also, you will notice that the reaction of baking soda with water creates bubbles.

Preparing the solution – How much baking soda is to raise the pH in an aquarium?

The general rule for adding baking soda to an aquarium is 1 teaspoon per 5 gallons. However, the ratio is just a rule of thumb. You need to make sure that the amount and proportion are commensurate with the total size of the aquarium.

Finally, don’t forget to dissolve baking soda in water before putting it in the aquarium. Take it slowly so as not to shock or kill the fish.

Administering the solution

Baking soda reacts very quickly in water, so it is very important to add the baking soda solution slowly. If you add it too quickly, it will abruptly change the chemical composition of the water. Unfortunately, this will most often result in the death of your aquatic inhabitants.

All aquatic inhabitants need to adapt to change. Therefore, don’t rush. Instead, put it gradually so that your fishes have enough time to adapt to the new water conditions in the aquarium. Since water can very easily return to its previous acidic levels, try to constantly add the solution. Do this continuously until you set the fish tank water to the desired ph level.

Once it reaches the desired level, adjust the water hardness. Only ideal water hardness levels and pH levels can give your aquatic pets a long, healthy, and happy life.

Don’t forget that baking soda itself has minerals, so make sure you have the right balance of minerals and acidity or base in your aquarium. Too much is never good; moreover, it is bad for the health of your pet fish.

Maintaining Proper Ph Level

Once you achieve both, the proper alkalinity and the right pH level of your water, make sure you keep it in balance. That means you have to pay attention when putting other materials, decorations, or items with too many minerals, as they can drastically alter the pH level of your fish tank water.

A Short Guide To Raising The pH Value in an Aquarium With Baking Soda

Step 1: pH value

Pay attention to the pH value of the water in your aquarium. Ideally, it is around 6 to 7.8, depending on the type of water you use and its source.

Step 2: Water test

Do a water test to get an idea of the amount of baking soda you should be using. The test is done by pouring half a liter of water into a clean glass and leaving it to stand for several hours. Then measure the pH of this water and note it down.

Step 3: Add baking soda

Add 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda to the sample water, mix well and let stand for about 15-30 minutes. Then, test the pH of the water sample, and note it down.

Step 4: Compare

Compare the results before and after adding baking soda. Check for any differences.

In Conclusion

There are many benefits to adding baking soda to an aquarium. It increases, raises the pH level, reduces acidity, and increases water hardness. Using baking soda to raise the pH in the aquarium is a simple, economical, and inexpensive method that doesn’t require any special expertise. All you need is water and baking soda, a.k.a. sodium bicarbonate.

The process is not fast and requires consistency, but it is not difficult. Remember, maintaining the proper balance is the key to success.

What is your opinion about adding baking soda to an aquarium? Write to us in the comments below.

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